If you know of any non-profit or profit organization, an individual, or a group that had an impact in a community or another person's life and you wish that they be recognize for their positive actions and attributes, please send me their story to rantparedes01@gmail.com and they will be highlighted.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Leda Matos: A Journey!
Tell me a little bit about your early live story in the Dominican Republic and then transcending to New York and if you had obstacle in the processes, what were those?
"Since I was little girl I had the passion for the arts and communications. I started my career when I was nine years old as a model, doing prints, showrooms, runways and commercials. At the age of 12 I decided to go to a casting for one of the popular kids TV show named, Sabado Chiquito, I was selected and had the opportunity to showed my communication skills in front of the camera. At the age of 15 I moved to New York. At the beginning, it was hard to adapt because I didn't have my friends with me and the school system was totally different, although I demonstrated that I was able to overcome any obstacles and graduated top 3 in High school."
What college you went to and what was your major or graduating bachelor?
"I graduated from Lehman College with a bachelors in mass communications and French and also I studied abroad at the Institut Catholique de Paris in France."
Tell me a little bit about how you find out about "Desde New York" and how you became a reporter?
"Well I have had the opportunity to find wonderful people on my way and one day the director of the project saw my demo, she liked and gave me the chance to work in Desde New York. I was in charge of doing a segment featuring the best spots in new york and I loved it because I was able to inform people about all the culture New York has to offer while having a lot of fun. This opportunity made me grow as a professional and opened the door for my new adventure on Univision, working as a reporter for the national newscast Noticiero Univision Ultima Hora."
What have been some of the accomplishments and downturns throughout your career?
"One of my biggest accomplishments is having the opportunity to work in the most important TV network in the Unites States, Univision. It was [my] dream since I was little girl, so I believe this is an example that everything happens for a reason and that dreams come true with a lot of perseverance, dedication and patience. And of course some of the downturns have been when some doors have closed, but I believe that when one doors closes it is because God has something better on your way."
How you felt when you did your first celebrity interview?
"Really excited, thrilled and of course nervous. I need to remember who was that first artist..lol."
Also, I have seen some of your pictures, do you have a background on modeling? If so, have you participate in any fashion shows?
"Yes, I was Reina Nacional del desfile Dominicano 2005, so I was a queen..hahaha...and of course I have done several fashion shows and now I'm also a modeling teacher."
Through out your career, have you influence anyone or have impacted a community? If so how have you impacted this person's live or community?
"Well I remember that I went to do an interview about a race for breast cancer and I interviewed cancer survivors and I felt great that in a way I was contributing to make conscience by informing the audience about this illness."
Where do you see yourself in the future? Let's say about 5-10 years from now?
"Well, maybe having a wonderful family, growing in my career, having my modeling school and helping the community, specially focusing on children education because I love working with children and when you help out it feels really good."
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